If you lost or found an item within the County Complex, please bring it to the Office of the County Manager (Building A, 2nd Floor).

County Manager
The Office of the County Manager is located on the 2nd floor of building A, suite 201.
Washoe311 is located in the Office of the County Manager (Building A, 2nd Floor). 3-1-1 is an easy-to-remember telephone number that connects citizens with knowledgeable customer service representatives ready to help them with...
Sustainability office
The Sustainability division manages, plans, and coordinates environmental sustainability programs for Washoe County. They work together regionally to provide and sustain a safe, secure, and healthy community through continuity and quality of county services and...
The Security Administrator is located in the Office of the County Manager (Building A, 2nd Floor). They manage the countywide security contract, which provides security officers for mobile security patrol, and coverage of public meetings and special events. They also...
Public Records Request
Our Washoe311 team can assist you with submitting your Public Records Request. They are located in the Office of the County Manager (Building A, 2nd Floor).
Housing and Homeless Services
For assistance with Built for Zero, Cares Campus, Our Place, Northern Nevada Continuum of Care and other housing and homeless resources, contact the team by email at: RegionalHomelessServices@washoecounty.gov or by phone at (775) 325-8210.
Community Reinvestment office
The Community Reinvestment Division is located in the Office of the County Manager (Building A, 2nd Floor) and is responsible for managing and implementing the County's recovery funding, annual federal appropriation application process; county-wide grants management...
For information and support related to internal and external communications, media relations, crisis communications, Washoe311 service center, Commissioner Support, website, social media, and digital and branding outreach go to the Office of the County Manager...
If you want to connect with a Washoe County Commissioner, Commissioner offices are located in the Office of the County Manager (Building A, 2nd Floor). The Board of County Commissioners is composed of five members, each representing a district within Washoe...
Legal documents
For service of process, formal delivery of a legal document(s) to Washoe County, go to the Office of the County Manager (Building A, 2nd Floor).
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